Using NFSv4 ReferralsSuppose you want your server to redirect clients that traverse into the NFSv4 directory /foo to the filesystem /bar on the server First make sure is NFSv4-exporting /bar, as you normally would. Then create an exports file that looks like this: /exports *(rw,no_subtree_check,fsid=0) /exports/foo *(nohide,refer=/ This will only work if there is a mountpoint at /exports/foo. If not (for example, if /exports/foo is just empty), you can create a dummy mountpoint using mount --bind: cd /exports/foo mount --bind . . (This just bind-mounts /exports/foo on top of itself.) The server must have version 2.6.19, and the client 2.6.20 with Trond's NFS_ALL patches; the latest CITI nfs-utils patches are also required.