help: add a user
How to add a user to the citi page:
- First make a symbolic link from the /u/ directory to the place in your home directory where your page is.
% cd /afs/citi.umich.edu/user/www/export/u/
% ln -s ~me/www ./me
Now when you go to http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/me your page should appear.
- Create an Image (thumbnail ~45x45)
- add your entry to the page, like this:
% cd /afs/citi.umich.edu/user/www/export/u/tool/
% ./addstaff (or ./addalumni , whichever one is right, and type in the appropriate info)
% ./make [path to out file] (DON'T make the outfile ../index.html you should check it first!)
- once you checked the file:
% mv [path-to-outfile] /afs/citi.umich.edu/user/www/export/u/index.html
- in order to change or delete entries run:
% /afs/citi.umich.edu/user/www/export/u/tool/help
or read this.